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Dr. Allen Mask Joins the John Rex Endowment Board of Directors

Bookmark and Share Raleigh, NC - April 17, 2014 -

Allen Mask, MD, founder and medical director of Raleigh Urgent Care Center and reporter for the WRAL-TV Health Team, has been elected to serve as a member of the board of directors for the John Rex Endowment.

“Dr. Mask’s health expertise and board leadership experience will be invaluable as we continue to invest in healthy weight, injury prevention, positive mental health and nonprofit capacity building,” said Kevin Cain, president and CEO of the John Rex Endowment. “We are fortunate to gain Dr. Mask’s community health perspectives and leadership as we help shape an environment in Wake County in which children live healthy lives."

The John Rex Endowment's current grant funding is guided by a five-year plan that focuses on changing the environment in which children grow up in Wake County. A significant part of the plan relies on the development and enhancement of partnerships with community organizations and leaders.

About the John Rex Endowment:

The John Rex Endowment supports an environment where children and families in greater Wake County live healthy lives. Guided by the belief that all children should reach their full potential, the John Rex Endowment works with the community to support the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children. For more information, contact the Raleigh, N.C. office at 919-838-1110 or visit http://www.rexendowment.org

Press Contact

Contact: Anita Blomme Pinther
Phone: 919-673-9591