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Durham Furniture Designer Hosts December "Thirst4Architecture"

Bookmark and Share Durham, NC - December 08, 2014 -

Durham-based furniture company Elijah Leed will host North Carolina Modernist Houses “Thirst4Architecture” (T4A) design networking event on Thursday, December 11, from 6-8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Emilie Huin of 501 Realty, specializing in Modernist houses in the Triangle, is sponsoring the entire T4A series through December 2015.

Through its T4A events, North Carolina Modernist Houses (NCMH) connects hundreds of Modernist design enthusiasts with each other. The host business provides refreshments and other entertainment while attendees build relationships, create strategic alliances, and make new contacts.

“We welcome Modernist homeowners, architects and designers, artists, builders and contractors, furniture retainers, students, and anyone else with a huge crush on Modernist design,” says NCMH board chair George Smart.

Founded in 2010, Elijah Leed is a small company that designs and builds furniture and other everyday objects that are “unassuming, love to be used, and are freshly designed from honest materials, ” the company’s website states. “In many ways, our materials are what define us. We are passionate about age-old manufacturing and transparency of where our materials have come from.”

Designer Elijah Leed grew up in the mountains of West Virginia, where he gets most of his lumber. He graduated from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, with a degree in Studio Art. Today, he designs and builds his furniture and other objects from his studio in downtown Durham’s Golden Belt Arts District at 812 North Mangum Street (27701). For more information visit elijahleed.com.

For the dates and locations of future T4A events, go to www.ncmodernist.org/t4a.

Press Contact

Contact: Kim Weiss, Blueplate PR
Email: blueplatepr@gmail.com
Phone: 919-272-8615