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Indovance Forecasts Continued Rapid Growth with Global Trend Toward Increased CAD Outsourcing

Bookmark and Share Cary, North Carolin - April 01, 2016

CARY, North Carolina – March 16, 2016 – Indovance, one of the leading CAD and drafting outsourcing service providers in the world, is projecting another year of rapid expansion. The long-trusted company is known for offering scalable, dependable and easily deployed services for architectural design, mechanical engineering and civil engineering. The growth follows industry trends as companies look to decrease costs and increase efficiencies of their compact design teams, all while maintaining the highest standards of quality for all projects.

Indovance, which is based in North Carolina and has offices outside of Mumbai, India, increased revenue in 2015 by 50 percent compared to 2014. It forecasts and is on track to grow another 50 to 60 percent in 2016, year over year.

“It’s an incredibly competitive market and companies of all sizes are having to do more work in less time and with fewer people than ever before,” said Sandesh Joshi, Indovance president and co-founder. “In 2008 and 2009, a lot of companies shut down due to the recession. After that, leaders were forced to rethink how they operate in order to increase productivity and reduce costs. That trend has continued, with CAD services now being one of the most outsourced projects today.”

For Indovance, each engagement begins by setting up a dedicated team of its highly educated and experienced architects, civil engineers, structural engineers and mechanical engineers. This remote team complements the client’s internal staff. “We believe successful outsourcing depends on the team’s quality, communication and control. Indovance built its workflow process on these critical functions so it can deliver work of the highest caliber on time, every time,” continued Joshi.

Indovance was founded about 13 years ago. Since then, its exceptional work on hundreds of client projects around the world has built a reputation for delivering results in a month or less. The flexible, dependable and turnkey design and drafting services typically save its clients 40 to 50 percent compared to traditional in-house hires. It is due to this success that the company has expanded so rapidly, maintaining and growing existing clients, as well as continually increasing its roster of new business partners.

Looking forward, part of Indovance’s rapid growth plan includes expanding its sales force in the United States to better meet the needs of companies interested in its services throughout the country. The company will hire new sales representatives for each territory in North America.

For more information or to set up a free trial project, please visit www.indovance.com.


Press Contact

Contact: Meghan Leonard
Email: mleonard@boltpr.com
Phone: 919-985-6427