- Daily Business News From Throughout North Carolina -

Need for Disability and Mental Health Services Continue to Grow in Midst of Volatile Economy

Bookmark and Share Raleigh, NC - November 22, 2011 -

Easter Seals UCP experiences 27 percent increase in demand for services.

More than 13 percent of the population in North Carolina lives with a disability - a 4 percent increase from just 2009 to 2010 according to the 2011 Annual Statistics Compendium compiled by the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics. Easter Seals UCP, a nonprofit serving children, families and adults managing disabilities and mental health challenges throughout North Carolina and Virginia, has felt this significant growth with a 27 percent increase in service hours provided over the past year.

“Our organization’s priority is to support the most vulnerable individuals, and given a volatile economy and dramatic shifts in government resources, demand for our services continues to rise,” said C.L. Cochran, president and CEO of Easter Seals UCP. “Our goal is to seek funding from individuals and corporations to help mitigate these funding gaps and to help us deliver meaningful outcomes.”

Specifically in the Triangle area, Easter Seals UCP provided 367,922 hours of service over the past year, which accounts for 12 percent of all children, families and adults served by the nonprofit.

Annually, Easter Seals UCP provides more than 3.3 million hours of services to more than 20,000 individuals and families. Through an array of supports and services for people with developmental disabilities and mental health issues, the organization ensures that all people live, work and participate fully in their community. From early intervention for young children, to community skills and employment training, to crisis intervention and intensive individual and family mental health services, the non-profit supports people to live their lives without limits.

To make a donation, please visit www.EasterSealsUCP.com or call (919) 783-8630.

Press Contact

Contact: Jane Phillips
Email: jane.phillips@eastersealsucp.com
Phone: (919) 865-8724