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William Peace University Hosts Screening Of Sundance Award-Winning Documentary "Inequality for All", Jan. 28

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William Peace University Hosts Screening Of Sundance Award-Winning Documentary "Inequality for All", Jan. 28

Local Four-Year Baccalaureate Displays Critically Acclaimed Documentary & Hosts Discussion On Income Inequality In U.S.

RALEIGH, N.C., Jan 23, 2014 – William Peace University (http://www.peace.edu), a private four-year university located in downtown Raleigh, has announced it is hosting a screening of the Sundance award-winning documentary, "Inequality for All," on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014. The film, which features American economist, professor, author and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, examines income inequality in the United States, along with a shrinking middle class, and their effect on America's economy and democracy.

Reich served as Secretary in the Clinton administration, and held offices under former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. He has also written more than a dozen books, and is a political commentator on popular television programs such as Hardball with Chris Matthews and This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

A discussion will be held following the screening and will feature a panel of speakers, including Dr. David McLennan, Dept. Chair of Political Science and Professor of Political Science and Communication at William Peace University, Alexandra Sirota, Director, North Carolina Budget and Tax Center, and MaryBe McMillan, Secretary-Treasurer at the North Carolina State AFL-CIO.

The event is free to the public, and is being held in Kenan Auditorium from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Seating is limited and registration is required by Jan. 24. For more information (including a detailed schedule), visit: http://action.ncjustice.org/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=75374.

"At William Peace University, we are always looking to host influential works by figures such as Mr. Reich," said Debra M. Townsley, Ph.D., president of William Peace University. "The film and discussion panel are sure to make an impact on our students and will challenge them to think about the issues facing them and our country. We are thankful for the opportunity to host this award-winning documentary and panel of speakers."

Sponsors of the event include the North Carolina Justice Center, Working Films, AFL-CIO NC State, and United Steel Workers.

Press Contact

Contact: Ian C. Dunne
Email: ian.dunne@peace.edu
Phone: 919-508-2208