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SpeedSpeak Founder Hosts Workshop on How to Leverage Brain Science to Communicate More Effectively

Bookmark and Share Raleigh, N.C. - November 16, 2011 -

Sidd Chopra, founder of SpeedSpeak, a global consortium of world-class communications experts who help professionals to become better, more efficient communicators, will host a workshop for managers, project managers and human resource managers on how to leverage the latest advancements in neuroscience and cognitive psychology to be more effective communicators with clients, staff, management, customers, and others.

The workshop and webinar, entitled “Brain Friendly Communication for Managers,” will teach techniques for communicators to organize and share information in harmony with the way the human brain works. These techniques help managers to be more persuasive and can boost an audience’s learning and retention.

“While it is difficult to calculate the exact cost that poor communication has on businesses, studies suggest it is in the $37 billion range annually,” said Chopra.

P.K. Agarwal, the former CTO of the State of California and current CEO of the global entrepreneur organization TiE Global, sees it all too often. “Poor communication can lead to lost productivity, destroyed relationships, lost customers, lawsuits, missed business opportunities, bad morale and employee retention issues.” observes Agarwal.

“The brain takes all kinds of short cuts just so it can operate efficiently, added Chopra. “It weighs about 2 percent of the body but consumes 20 percent of our caloric intake. Unfortunately these shortcuts can get us into serious trouble if we aren’t careful.”

Chopra has worked with neuroscientists and communication experts to develop his workshop material. “By learning simple techniques, managers and small business owners can communicate more effectively with customers, staff, management and just about anyone they come in contact with.”

“This workshop is packed with useful information that has significantly boosted my communication skills,” said Steve Rao, business development manager at Alphanumeric and founder of TSG Academies. “It completely reshaped my thinking on how I communicate with others. What I learned has been highly useful whether I’m preparing for a one-on-one session or speaking to a larger audience. It was a worthwhile investment in time that will continue to pay big dividends.”

The workshop, sponsored by the NC Project Management Institute and coordinated by NC State University’s Office of Professional Development, will be held on December 10, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST at NC State University’s McKimmon Center in Raleigh, N.C. Project managers can obtain three hours of professional development credits by attending.

Seating for the live workshop is limited and offered on a first come, first served basis. Visit www.speedspeak.com/NCPMI for more details or to register for the live workshop. The online webinar can be viewed at any time through NCSU’s Office of Professional Development.

“Just look at the career of the late Steve Jobs. His communication skills made a huge impact on Apple’s bottom line,” Agarwal concluded.

Press Contact

Contact: Sidd Chopra
Email: chopra@analytrix.com
Phone: 919-859-3048